1. 边框款式: ```css table { bordercollapse: collapse; / 边框兼并 / width: 100%; / 表格宽度 / } th, td { border: 1px solid ddd; / 单元格边框 / padding: 8px; / 内边距 / } ```
2. 文本对齐: ```css th { textalign: left; / 表头文本左对齐 / } td { textalign: center; / 单元格文本居中对齐 / } ```
3. 布景色彩: ```css th { backgroundcolor: f2f2f2; / 表头布景色彩 / } tr:nthchild { backgroundcolor: f9f9f9; / 偶数行布景色彩 / } ```
4. 鼠标悬停作用: ```css tr:hover { backgroundcolor: f1f1f1; / 鼠标悬停时行布景色彩 / } ```
5. 表头款式: ```css th { backgroundcolor: 333; color: white; fontsize: 1.2em; } ```
6. 表格标题款式: ```css caption { fontsize: 1.5em; fontweight: bold; margin: 10px 0; } ```
7. 表格距离: ```css table { borderspacing: 10px; / 单元格距离 / } ```
8. 呼应式表格: ```css @media screen and { table, thead, tbody, th, td, tr { display: block; } thead tr { position: absolute; top: 9999px; left: 9999px; } tr { border: 1px solid ccc; } td { / Behave like a row / border: none; borderbottom: 1px solid eee; position: relative; paddingleft: 50%; } td:before { / Now like a table header / position: absolute; / Top/left values mimic padding / top: 6px; left: 6px; width: 45%; paddingright: 10px; whitespace: nowrap; } / Label the data / td:nthoftype:before { content: Name; } td:nthoftype:before { content: Age; } td:nthoftype:before { content: Job; } } ```
下一篇: vue指令及用法, 内容烘托指令
html鼠标悬停显现内容,```html鼠标悬停显现内容 .hovercontent { position: relative; display: inlineblock; }
2025-01-12 #前端开发
2025-01-12 #数据库
2025-01-11 #数据库
2025-01-11 #操作系统